The Ultimate Guide on How To Thicken Your Hair Naturally

Welcome to the comprehensive guide to help you navigate your journey toward thicker hair! It's important to remember that achieving your hair goals involves a multi-sided approach, using inside and out methods to keep it growing steadily and healthily!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a holistic approach to thicker hair, naturally. We'll discuss everything from the importance of a nutrient-dense diet, gentle hair care practices and natural remedies. 

Let’s dive in!

Why Does Hair Become Thin?

When we notice our hair losing its density, it's only natural to ask, "Why does hair become thin?" The answer is multi-layered, as thinning hair can arise as a result of several elements.

Genetics can predispose us to thinner hair strands, while hormonal shifts or external factors such as stress and nutrition also play a pivotal role. Certain conditions like alopecia or other forms of pattern baldness can also contribute to hair thinning.

Importantly, hair thinning isn't purely a superficial concern. It is closely intertwined with our overall health. Persistent stress, hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies can reveal themselves through the state of our hair. 

As such, the journey to thicker hair often means addressing these underlying health conditions, easing the path to voluminous locks. 

What Does a Healthy Hair Follicle Look Like?

Hair follicles are minuscule structures in the skin, the birthplace of hair growth. They house the hair bulb, where new cells are created, leading to the growth of the hair shaft, which eventually surfaces as a hair strand.

In a thriving follicle, the hair's life cycle consists of three phases: the anagen or growth phase, the catagen or transitional phase and the telogen or resting phase. 

During the anagen phase, the hair strands lengthen due to active cell division. The duration of this phase, which ranges between two to six years, governs the length of our hair.

The health and thickness of your hair hinge on the wellbeing of your hair follicles. In a healthy scalp environment, the follicles consistently create new hair, thereby ensuring continuous regrowth and replacement of hairs in the telogen phase (the ones that fall out). 

But when factors such as poor nutrition or insufficient blood flow to the scalp affect the follicles' health, the result is thinner hair strands and a decrease in volume.

Your hair type and the natural cycle of your hair growth play a crucial part in the quest for thicker hair. Nurturing your follicles is as important as caring for the hair shaft and strands. Healthy follicles can generate robust strands filled with keratin (the protein that forms the basis of hair), which in turn leads to luxuriant, thick hair.

How Does Diet Influence Hair Health and Thickness?

Let's unravel the role of nutrition in hair growth and thickness. As we mentioned earlier, certain deficiencies can contribute to issues like hair thinning and dry hair. 

The good news is that ensuring you have enough of them can turn the tide and help transform fine hair into a thicker, fuller mane. A well-rounded diet, teeming with key nutrients, acts as the foundation for strong, healthy and thick hair. 

Among these essential nutrients is:

  • Biotin (vitamin B7) is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a critical role in the production of keratin that helps build stronger hair, nails and skin. It's one of the key vitamins that contribute to a fuller, thicker mane.

  • Vitamin A is not just essential for cell growth, but it also plays its part in facilitating healthy hair growth. It aids in the production of sebum, an oily substance that helps to moisturise the scalp and keep hair healthy.

  • Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, defends against oxidative stress — an imbalance of harmful molecules that could wear down the hair, leading to thinning and greying. Additionally, Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, a mineral necessary for hair growth.

  • Omega-3fatty acids, which can't be naturally produced by our bodies, are essential for nourishing the hair. These nutrients improve scalp health and contribute to your hair's lustre and density, giving you that vibrant, lush appearance that signifies well-nourished hair.

  • Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, bolster hair structure and stimulate growth. By reinforcing the hair shaft and nourishing the follicle, they contribute significantly to hair thickness, leading to a fuller, more voluminous look.

Can Supplements Aid in Hair Thickening?

As we shift focus to supplements, it's crucial to clarify that they are meant to complement a healthy diet, not replace it. But yes, certain supplements, when used responsibly, can significantly support the mission of healthy hair growth. 

These, usually rich in the nutrients we mentioned earlier, fill nutritional gaps, helping enhance hair thickness and reduce breakage.

How Does Hair Care Affect Thickness?

Certain hair care practices can severely impact the thickness and health of our hair. Overwashing, using harsh sulphate-laden shampoos and regular exposure to heat can lead to hair thinning by causing breakage and frizz. 

Switching to gentler hair care products and methods can help protect the hair and enhance its thickness:

  • Conditioner and thickening shampoos can contribute to the perception of thicker hair by adding volume and minimising breakage. Thoroughly hydrating your hair can help prevent breakage and promote a fuller appearance.

  • Dry shampoos can be a lifesaver for those with fine hair as they absorb excess oil and add texture, making hair appear thicker. Additionally, using dry shampoo can reduce the frequency of washing, which can help maintain the natural oils that nourish your hair.

  • Heat protection sprays are a must if you frequently use a blow dryer or other heat-styling tools, as they protect the hair shaft from damage. Incorporating these into your routine can help you style your hair without fear of causing undue harm.

  • Hair masks and leave-in treatments can deeply nourish and hydrate your hair, resulting in reduced frizz and increased thickness. Regularly incorporating these treatments into your hair care routine can offer profound benefits for your hair's health and thickness.

Of course, when choosing these or any hair care products, always look for those that suit your hair type and address your specific hair needs. It's all about understanding your hair and providing it with the love and care it deserves.

Are There Any Styling Practices That Encourage Thicker Hair?

When we venture into the realm of styling, it's worth noting that some practices can contribute to hair thinning and breakage. Frequent heat styling, using hot tools, or blow-drying can cause damage to the hair shaft, leading to thinner hair over time. 

So, how about we let our hair air dry more often? This practice, combined with a bit of scrunching, can naturally add volume to the hair.

Certain hairstyles and styling products can promote thickness by minimising breakage. Loose braids or buns can protect the hair, preventing damage from environmental factors. Light-hold gels can add texture and fullness; when chosen carefully, they won't weigh down your hair.

What Home Remedies Can Help Thicken Hair?

In our quest for thicker hair, we shouldn't overlook the potential of home remedies. When used consistently, these remedies can act as effective thickening products.

Let's begin with scalp massages. As simple as it sounds, giving your scalp a gentle massage can stimulate blood flow, nourish the hair follicles and encourage healthier, thicker hair growth.

Olive oil and rosemary oil are two natural remedies that have garnered acclaim in hair care circles. Olive oil, rich in antioxidants and hydrating squalene, can protect your hair and boost its volume. Meanwhile, rosemary oil, often hailed for improving cellular generation, can stimulate hair growth.

Maintaining a healthy scalp environment is also paramount. Ensuring that the scalp retains its natural oils while avoiding buildup and dandruff can contribute to overall hair health, promoting the growth of thicker hair strands.

When Should I Consult a Professional?

While home remedies and personal care can contribute significantly to hair thickness, professional advice is sometimes necessary. If you notice excessive hair thinning or loss, it may be time to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. 

These experts can diagnose underlying issues, such as alopecia or scalp conditions, that might be impeding your journey toward thicker hair. Hair stylists, too, can provide invaluable insights into hair care practices and styling techniques that suit your hair type, aiding in the pursuit of thicker hair.

For certain conditions, medical treatments may be recommended. Minoxidil, for instance, is a commonly prescribed treatment for hair loss that promotes hair regrowth. Rogaine, a brand of Minoxidil, has been shown to help make hair thicker. 

The Bottom Line

Achieving and maintaining thicker hair is a journey that incorporates multiple aspects of our lives. From embracing a nutrient-rich diet, integrating supplements, adopting gentle hair care practices and exploring home remedies to understanding when professional help is needed – it's indeed a holistic process.

Perhaps most importantly, the quest for thicker hair extends beyond the physical. It's deeply intertwined with overall health, reinforcing the need for balance in every facet of our lives. 

So remember, while you nourish your hair with the right nutrients and care, also nourish your body and mind. The journey to thicker hair is not just about hair. It's about embracing a lifestyle that harmonises the health of your body, mind, and, of course, your hair. 

Let's continue this holistic journey towards thicker hair together!


Hair Loss: Who Gets and Causes | American Academy of Dermatology

Hair Follicle: Function, Structure & Associated Conditions | Cleveland Clinic

Physiology, Hair | NCBI Bookshelf

Keratin: Protein, Structure, Benefits, Uses & Risks | Cleveland Clinic

The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review | PMC

10 Hair Care Habits That Can Damage Your Hair | American Academy of Dermatology

Minoxidil and its Use in Hair Disorders: a Review | PMC