Soothing the Swollen: Effective Home Remedies for a Bloated Stomach

Bloating: a familiar discomfort that leaves us feeling out of sorts. But, this unease doesn’t need to be a resigned acceptance — equipped with the right knowledge and resources, we can actively reach for relief.

From natural remedies to soothing herbs and nourishing supplements, we'll explore effective ways to calm bloating and support a healthy digestive system. 

Ready to discover the secrets to a comfortable tummy? Let's dive right in.

What Is Bloating?

Bloating is an experience most of us are all too familiar with. That uncomfortable sensation of fullness or swelling in the abdomen can often leave us feeling terrible. 

While abdominal bloating is quite common, it's important to note that it isn't a condition itself but a sign our body gives us — a gentle nudge to support our digestive health. Bloating typically happens in our digestive system, specifically our gastrointestinal tract. 

This complex system is where our body naturally breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and expels waste. When it's working optimally, we might not even notice it. But when bloating occurs, it can feel like an unexpected speed bump in our wellness journey.

What Can Cause a Bloated Stomach?

When it comes to bloating, a variety of factors can play a role. Let’s break down some of the most common culprits. 

Food Sensitivities or Intolerances 

One key player can be a food intolerance, such as lactose intolerance. This is not to label any food as "bad" or "off-limits" but rather to better understand that some foods may be harder for our bodies to break down, potentially leading to bloating. 

For example, some carbohydrates, when they reach our small intestine and large intestine, can cause a buildup of gas. Dietary culprits such as gluten, dairy products, and even healthy foods like lentils and legumes might sometimes be more challenging for our bodies to digest. 

The same can apply to certain artificial sweeteners. It's interesting to note how individual our bodies can be and how different foods affect each of us uniquely.

Lifestyle Factors

And let's not forget lifestyle factors. Who among us hasn't had our pants feeling a little tighter after indulging in a special dinner or holiday feast? Or you may notice you feel more bloated when you're feeling stressed or tired.

Stress levels, overeating and habits such as chewing gum can lead to excess air in our system, which might cause bloating.

This isn’t to say we should never fully enjoy our favourite meals or special feasts — part of a healthy relationship with food is allowing ourselves the joy of indulgence. But noticing when your body tends to bloat more can help you understand its signals better and support your body in maintaining comfort and balance.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, particularly related to our menstrual cycle, are another common cause of bloating. 

During the various phases of our cycle, our bodies undergo numerous hormonal shifts, which might lead to water retention and cause bloating. It's a natural process many of us experience, and understanding this can help us better navigate and support our bodies during these times.

Understanding the Digestive System and Disruptions

The digestive system, specifically the gastrointestinal tract, plays a crucial role in breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and expelling waste. This remarkable system houses numerous good bacteria aiding digestion and maintaining gut health.

However, disruptions can occur, leading to symptoms like bloating. These digestive issues can range from discomfort to changes in bowel movements like constipation, indicating a slowed digestive process, or indigestion, suggesting difficulties in breaking down food. 

Gas buildup, resulting in flatulence, burping, or belching, is another common manifestation. Recognizing these signs is key in supporting our overall digestive health and addressing issues like bloating.

What Are Natural Remedies for Bloating?

As we navigate our personal wellness journeys, it's comforting to know that nature offers various resources to support our bodies in maintaining balance. Here, we'll explore a few natural aids that might help your body feel more comfortable when bloating occurs.

Warm Water and Lemon

Starting your day with warm water and a squeeze of fresh lemon can be a nourishing ritual. The warmth of the water may gently support your body's natural digestive processes, while the lemon offers a refreshing flavour. 

This comforting combination of lemon water might be just what your body needs to maintain a happy digestive tract.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, a pantry staple, might also offer support to your digestive system. Its natural composition may aid your body in breaking down food, making it useful for those times when your stomach needs extra help.


This vibrant herb can do more than just freshen your breath. The active compounds found in peppermint and peppermint oil are believed to help support our natural digestive processes.

Many find the aroma and flavour soothing, making a warm cup of peppermint tea a comforting ritual that could potentially help maintain digestive comfort.


From fennel to ginger to chamomile, there are also a variety of herbs known for their potential to support our digestive health. 

Renowned for its soothing properties, fennel seeds have been used for centuries in both culinary and wellness practices. This nourishing and nutrient-rich herb might support our body's natural digestive processes, potentially offering comfort when bloating occurs.

Fibre-Rich Foods

Incorporating fibre-rich foods into your diet, such as whole grains, vegetables, and legumes, can support regular bowel movements and overall digestive health, soothing gas and bloating. 

Managing Stress Levels

Our minds and bodies are deeply interconnected, particularly when it comes to our digestive system. With a wealth of nerves throughout the GI tract, the stomach is particularly prone to feeling the effects of mental stress.

The gut-brain axis, as it's called, illustrates how our gut health can influence our mental state and vice versa. Thus, managing stress levels could support overall digestive health.

There are countless ways to manage stress, and different methods work for different people. Some may find solace in meditation or mindfulness practices, while others might benefit from regular exercise or spending time in nature. Even a simple warm bath can offer moments of relaxation and peace. 

Exploring these methods and finding what works for you can be an empowering part of your personal wellness journey.

Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough quality sleep is not just about feeling rested. During sleep, our bodies restore and maintain various functions, including digestion. 

Some studies suggest that proper sleep can help balance hormone levels, which could, in turn, support the natural rhythms of our digestive system. Ensuring we give our bodies this restorative time might contribute to a more comfortable, less bloated day ahead.

The Role of Supplements in Digestive Health

In addition to natural remedies, probiotics and certain supplements might play a part in maintaining our digestive health.


Probiotics are live microorganisms that inhabit our digestive tract and play a significant role in our overall gut health.

They naturally aid the digestive process, helping our bodies break down food and absorb nutrients. Including probiotic-rich foods in our diet, such as yoghurt or kimchi can help support the flourishing of these beneficial bacteria.


Enzymes, the proteins our bodies produce to speed up chemical reactions, are essential for the digestive process. They help break down food into smaller, absorbable pieces. 

Probiotic supplements might support our bodies' natural enzyme production, further helping to maintain our digestive health. As always, consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

What Dietary Changes Support Digestive Health?

Just as our bodies are unique, so are our reactions to different foods. Recognizing the impact of dietary choices on our digestive health is an important part of our wellness journey.

An example of a mindful eating strategy is the FODMAP diet, which manages the intake of certain hard-to-digest carbohydrates. However, it's not a universal solution and may not suit everyone.

It's also crucial to consider our intake of artificial sweeteners. Although often marketed as a “healthier” alternative, they can cause discomfort and bloating for some individuals. 

The goal isn't to label these sweeteners as “bad” but rather to understand their potential impact on our digestive system. By being aware of these effects, we can make more informed choices, fostering better digestive balance and comfort.

The Bottom Line

Understanding our bodies and the signs they give us is an empowering step toward better health. Bloating, while uncomfortable, can often be our body's way of asking for a little more support, a gentle reminder that our dietary and lifestyle choices matter.

Natural remedies and dietary changes, coupled with the potential support from supplements, can be effective ways to assist our bodies in maintaining a healthy digestive system. And while there's no one-size-fits-all solution, being open to learning and adapting to what our bodies need is an integral part of our wellness journey.

While persistent discomfort or changes should always be discussed with a healthcare professional, a holistic wellness approach that incorporates a balanced diet, staying hydrated, finding healthy strategies to manage stress, and a wellness routine that incorporates natural supplements such as our natural, science-backed range at JSHealth can go a long way in soothing occasional bloating.

After all, at the heart of our wellness journey lies in balance — both inside and out, and embracing a positive relationship with food and our bodies is a step in the right direction.


Water retention: Relieve this premenstrual symptom | Mayo Clinic

Your Digestive System & How it Works | NIDDK

Beneficial Microbes: The pharmacy in the gut | PMC

The Brain-Gut Connection | Johns Hopkins Medicine

The Impact of Sleep and Circadian Disturbance on Hormones and Metabolism | PMC

Low Fodmap Diet: What it Is, Uses & How to Follow | Cleveland Clinic