Expert Tips for Happy Hormones

Let’s talk about hormonal health. Our hormones are the behind-the-scenes messengers that direct our physical and mental wellbeing. From sunup to sundown, these invisible regulators work to keep us functioning at our best.

When our hormones are out of balance, it can leave us feeling anything from anxious and irritable to lethargic and unmotivated. To take charge of our hormone harmony inside and out, we asked three experts to share their top tips.

Here’s what they had to say…

Danijela Lacono, Owner + Trainer, Lean Bean Fitness 

“Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, plays a pivotal role balancing hormones, supporting metabolic function and reducing stress related imbalances.

Try mixing up your weekly exercise routine with a strength class, using heavier weights for bone health, or a slow more restorative Mat Pilates class for your deep burn and meditating benefits and then throw in a 30 minute HIIT express class, for when you have the energy! Even choosing a brisk walk or bike ride - either way, it’s about finding your consistent daily movement.”

Vic, Wholefood Recipe Developer + JSHealth Head of Content

"Always start your day with a protein-rich breakfast to ensure stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. Protein provides the building blocks for many of our hormones and is an essential part of any dietary pattern." 

Amy Kingston, Yoga Teacher + JSHealth App Instructor

"Make sure you move your body everyday to get your good mood-boosting hormones going (serotonin and dopamine). Don't forget to listen to your body daily and adjust sessions accordingly." 

Lolita Walters, Wellness Journalist + JSHealth Head of Editorial

"Quality shut eye is key! The same part of the brain that is responsible for regulating sleep-wake hormones such as melatonin and cortisol also regulates reproductive hormones. Make your bedroom a technology free sanctuary, set up a nurturing nightly routine and avoid blue light from screens close to sleep." 

Looking for support with your hormone health? Visit our Nourish Hub and enjoy a free consultation with our caring and professional Nourish Hub Team.

For hormone-balancing meal ideas such as our Folate-Rich Nourish Bowl, download the JSHealth App and discover over 700+ easy, healthy recipes, meal planners, at-home workouts, meditations + more. Unlock a month's free access with any Vitamins purchase! Join our JSHealth community and elevate your health journey today.