Jess' Energising Morning Routine

Mornings are an incredibly important part of my day. It sets the tone for everything that follows – from my energy to my mindset and focus. 

It all starts with good, consistent habits that create a calm structure. Although each morning may look a little different depending on where I am or what engagements I have, above all, I always prioritise self-care, even if it is just for 10 minutes to make space for joy and mindfulness. 

Read on for my morning non-negotiables which truly ground and set me up for a positive, productive day ahead…   


No technology 

I always make sure to switch off all technology by 8:30pm, the night before! Each morning I’ll wake up around 7.30am, as I need my 8 hours of sleep each night. I continue my technology ban into the morning – so no checking of social media, texts or emails – until after I’ve been awake for at least 30-40 minutes. This digital detox is the first step towards waking up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day with a clear mind. 

Hydrate + enjoy a balanced breakfast 

I make sure to wake to warm water with lemon to hydrate my body. Then, I follow it up with a nourishing and satiating breakfast that contains protein, fibre and good fats to naturally support my energy levels. I’ll fuel my body with my favourite Raspberry Protein Smoothie, or – my current obsession, and a true classic – egg and smashed avocado on wholegrain toast. Next, I mindfully sip and savour my piccolo coffee. I follow the JSHealth coffee rule, which is to be extra conscious of my caffeine intake throughout the day. I enjoy 1 or 2 max before 12pm! For an extra skin-loving boost, I pop in a scoop of our delicious Collagen Creamer+

Deep belly breaths + gratitude 

As soon as I wake up, I spend a few minutes taking deep belly breaths. This helps me feel centred and connected, calming my nervous system. I love to repeat positive affirmations, directing my attention to what I am grateful for. Saying, ‘I love myself just as I am’ and ‘I’m grateful for the abundance in my life’ puts me in a good headspace and connects me with a deep sense of gratitude that I carry with me throughout the day. I also carve out 10 minutes of my morning to practise mindfulness with a guided meditation session from the JSHealth App!

Prioritise movement

I love to start my day with a 30 minute workout from the JSHealth AppIt’s so important to get your body moving and I love the rush of endorphins that exercise gives me. I like to listen to my body and exercise according to my mood. If I need something more grounding, I’ll go for a walk or do some yoga. If I want to sweat it out, I’ll do some weight training or HIIT (high-intensity interval training).

Pamper with a skincare routine

Taking care of our skin, the body’s largest organ, is a real act of self-love. I’m a big believer that an effective skincare routine doesn’t need to be complicated. I personally follow the JSHealth Vitamins’ 4-Step Skincare System, which includes cleansing, a brightening serum, an age-defying oil and a protective moisturiser. I use a gua sha beauty tool for maximum absorption and lymphatic drainage, plus it feels like a lovely massage. My skin has honestly never felt better!

This is going to look different for everyone, and that’s OK! It’s about determining what will get you centred, grounded and motivated. I hope these tips inspire you to create your own energising AM ritual! 


Jess x