2 Scientific Actives You Need in Your Serum

Want to brightening your complexion, improve skin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines, deeply hydrate and (almost) instantly plump the skin? Including an effective serum in your skincare routine is your ticket to it all! 

When selecting a serum, it all comes down to having the right scientific actives, in the right concentrations and forms to get real results. Our top 2 to look for in a serum are skincare powerhouses Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid, which you’ll find in our Pro-Collagen Vitamin Serum.

Read on to learn more about these glow-worthy ingredients that function as a complexion-loving power duo…

Vitamin C 

A holy grail in skincare when it comes to protecting skin cells from UV damage, environmental pollution and other premature agers. Scientifically speaking, this super-antioxidant does this by a process known as neutralisation of free radicals. In the right concentration and form, Vitamin C is a safe and highly efficacious acid that will visibly brighten your skin, even out skin tone, correct pigmentation and dark spots, help fade acne scarring, and overall give your complexion a level of resilience to external aggressors. 

We use 2 different forms of stable Vitamin C at a concentration of 9% for optimal efficacy. Essentially stable Vitamin C allows the nutrient to penetrate into the skin before hydrolysing enzymes release it back into its active form to do its best cellular work! In-vitro studies have proven the results of these forms of Vitamin C to increase in both collagen I and collagen III production, lighten skin discolouration, reduce the size and number of wrinkles, improve acne and protect the skin from environmental damage. 

Our serum is dermatologist tested and approved as suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin with our proprietary gentle form of 9% Vitamin C.

Hyaluronic Acid (High-Molecular)

Hyaluronic Acid is a superstar for hydration. It is a large polymer that functions as a humectant - a substance that helps the skin hold onto water. It is known to hold up to one thousand times its weight in water molecules, helping to plump the skin, improve pliability, reduce the appearance of fine lines and prevent trans-epidermal water loss. 

We use a proprietary high-molecular form of Hyaluronic Acid, which has the ability to form a breathable layer on the skin surface to improve hydration and reduce water evaporation. The higher the molecular weight, the lower the water evaporation rate showing a better water holding capacity. An in-vivo study on high-molecular Hyaluronic Acid showed a 37% increase in hydration within an hour and a similar reduction in transepidermal water evaporation.